Beautiful out this morning.
This week I started learning the Rust programming language (the latest, ‘all the rage’ language), and also learned how to process flax with prehistoric knapped flint tools (and dried teasels), and spin it into linen yarn. For me, ‘current technology’ is at either end of a very wide span of time.
New post: Exploring desktop Linux: Part 3
More adventures in Hyprland, and some new-to-me CLI apps.
I’ve been busy with work, but finding time here and there to continue to tinker with Linux. This is my new status bar using Ironbar, which I am very much enjoying. I have gone back to mcp/ncmcpcc for my general music needs, though I still like Harmonoid for browsing. #linux #hyprland

Brain, we need to talk. When I have one of those stress dreams about an email (not a real one, an email you made up inside the dream), why do you make me think a bit obsessively about how I should reply to this completely fictional email for far too long after I have woken up? It. Is. Made. Up.
Blackcap trig point, near Lewes, East Sussex, UK.

Pitcher plant

I love this sort of weather in Spring: bright, and brisk, and threatening rain any moment.

The blackthorn is now in full blossom.

The oaks are not yet in leaf, but the ivy is fresh and glossy.

Offham Hill, Lewes
It must be Caturday!

The Dance Your PhD competion entries are always fun, but this year’s winner is fabulous:…
Blackthorn, just coming into bud, Birmingham

Bianca’s favourite spot to hang out at the moment.

Solo hornbeam, Birmingham.

Empty gallery, Hanbury Hall.

Orchard, Hanbury Hall.

Bowling green shelter, Hanbury Hall.